Sára Jarošová
- News content
- No Gods No Masters
- My Teenage Dream Never Ending
- Place of roar
- What if?
- Y: Normal Bodies: Ai Tattoo Orders
- Political Performance?
- Mother, for the king
- Observation on 17 November
- Television Tribun
- Television Essay
- Final
- Idola Mentis
- fairy tattoos flowers yunder your plastic skin
- streets i won’t walk through again
- whole wheel was spinning and you jumped and dissolved into an endless puddle
- i cover your body with lines of feeling
- what comes out of you is inaccurate
- Polished Mercedes
- Digital models
- Glass objects
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Y: Normal Bodies: Ai Tattoo Orders
Al Tattoo Orders is the neutral network generating one image after another. At the moment you ask, then can eternize the Al word by tattooing one of the images on your skin. Performance at the event. Y: Normal Bodies in Divadlo X10.
Al Tattoo Orders je neutrální síť generující jeden obrázek za druhým. V moment, kdy se zeptáme, může být slovo Al zvěčněno na vaší kůži tetováním. Instalováno v rámci události Y: Normal Bodies v Divadle X10.
2022, performance
Jiří Gruber, Sára Jarošová, David Neumann