Sára Jarošová
- News content
- No Gods No Masters
- My Teenage Dream Never Ending
- Place of roar
- What if?
- Y: Normal Bodies: Ai Tattoo Orders
- Political Performance?
- Mother, for the king
- Observation on 17 November
- Television Tribun
- Television Essay
- Final
- Idola Mentis
- fairy tattoos flowers yunder your plastic skin
- streets i won’t walk through again
- whole wheel was spinning and you jumped and dissolved into an endless puddle
- i cover your body with lines of feeling
- what comes out of you is inaccurate
- Polished Mercedes
- Digital models
- Glass objects
- Bio
- Contact
Matičko, na krála
Mother, for the king
Video představuje tradice Jízdy Králů ve Vlčnově z pohledu místních dokumentaristů. Pomocí vizuálních efektů a rozhovorů s dokumentaristy komentuje dění za obrazem. Video umístěné ve fyzické instalaci.
The video presents the tradition of the Ride of the Kings in Vlčnov from the point of view of local documentarians. Using visual effects and interviews with documentarians, comments on what’s going on behind the scenes.
2021, video installation
Sára Jarošová, David Neumann