Sára Jarošová
- News content
- No Gods No Masters
- My Teenage Dream Never Ending
- Place of roar
- What if?
- Y: Normal Bodies: Ai Tattoo Orders
- Political Performance?
- Mother, for the king
- Observation on 17 November
- Television Tribun
- Television Essay
- Final
- Idola Mentis
- fairy tattoos flowers yunder your plastic skin
- streets i won’t walk through again
- whole wheel was spinning and you jumped and dissolved into an endless puddle
- i cover your body with lines of feeling
- what comes out of you is inaccurate
- Polished Mercedes
- Digital models
- Glass objects
- Bio
- Contact
Idola Mentis
Videoperformance zabývající se předsudky a očekáváními vývoje vlastní identity v dětském věku.
Video performance dealing with prejudices and expectations of the development of one's own identity in childhood.
2018, video
Sára Jarošová, David Neumann, Ester Šindelářová