Sára Jarošová
- News content
- No Gods No Masters
- My Teenage Dream Never Ending
- Place of roar
- What if?
- Y: Normal Bodies: Ai Tattoo Orders
- Political Performance?
- Mother, for the king
- Observation on 17 November
- Television Tribun
- Television Essay
- Final
- Idola Mentis
- fairy tattoos flowers yunder your plastic skin
- streets i won’t walk through again
- whole wheel was spinning and you jumped and dissolved into an endless puddle
- i cover your body with lines of feeling
- what comes out of you is inaccurate
- Polished Mercedes
- Digital models
- Glass objects
- Bio
- Contact
Je naší vlastí hradba zdí? Střihové video vytvořené z různorodého fotografického a filmového materiálu rodinných příslušníků, kterých se rozličnými způsoby dotýkala stavba i demolice Berlínské zdi.
Is our homeland a wall of walls? Editing video created from diverse photographic and film material of family members who were affected in various ways by the construction and demolition of the Berlin Wall.
2019, video
Sára Jarošová, Tom Buchard, Dominik Vontor, Sami Raitzsch